Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dependence of the Three Elements

It's amazing how tonality affects a message when sent out.

But how do we recognise which tonality is for which? a loud tone may mean angry or excited. A soft tone may mean sad or careful. How does tonality really affect a message that is being sent out.

Here's where i realize that tonality itself doesn't mean anything. It only means something when it is paired up with the correct body language or facial expression. With a loud tonality and angry facial expression, it equals out to angry. Loud tonality with a smiling facial expression equals to happy or excited. But it's the same tonality.

Therefore, we can safely say that we recognise tonality by receiving the correct body cues and interpreted as a whole. Here comes the big question. What about the blind? Does this mean the blind would not be able to interprete a message as accurately as people who can see and receive visual cues?

That's the thing about theories, it never applies to all situations. A blind person can and maybe be even more sensitive to tonality than us despite the fact that they can't receive visual cues. This probably means that tonality itself carries certain messages that we might be unaware of when we can see. Not only that, the deaf can't hear tonality! They depends solely on visual cues and yet they can interprete and receive as accurately as most of us. This shows that each and every element of communication is independent of each other, and it is when we can see and hear that the besome dependent of each other. if you suddenly become blind, you would misinterprete tonality and what not. But after a few years, you would be able to interprete messages without visual cues. It depends all on the person's getting use to.

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