Saturday, January 16, 2010

verbal and non verbal communication

In the lecture before Mr Muradin told us about verbal and non verbal communication and ask us a question.Is SMS a type of verbal or non verbal communication ? Almost everyone in the class confused.

For me, i think that it is a type of non verbal communication.This is because sms does not involve voice tone, facial expression.Although we can input emotions into the message but we wouldn't know the person's real emotion.Maybe he is sad but he still put a smile face.

For example
A text message send by a person to his boss

Boss , today i felt happy going to work at France:).I hope that our new business partner is a good man.

From the text above we can see that person put a smiley but it doesnt mean he wanted to go to France and left his family behind.He had to do this to make his boss have a nice image of him that he like to work.

Thus sms is not a verbal communication which require talk face to face.So in my opinion sms is a non verbal type communication.

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